Synopsis: Dusk and Enjoiner Rue learn Demerzel’s origin and true purpose. Tellem’s plans for Gaal take a dark turn. On Terminus, Day confronts Dr. Seldon.

Please remember not to share spoilers for future episodes!

  • @monkey
    101 year ago

    It’s a good TV show with a strong influence from the books, but is definitely not and never was going to be a faithful adaptation of the books. I know lots of folks on here/reddit would rather have that, but personally, I am glad for it. I enjoyed the books but I don’t know if it’s even possible, logistically, production-wise, to have a faithful adaptation, or that it would even be as enjoyable as the show we have. It has its faults but overall it’s a good ride with interesting and mostly compelling characters.

    • @Heavybell
      21 year ago

      Might have to check it out some time, thanks. :)