Alternatively, if your current phone doesn’t have a headphone jack, do you wish it did?

  • @EuroNutellaMan
    1 year ago

    I used wireless headphones for a while, then went back to wired because:

    1. wireless headphones cost a lot more and break more easily. Ain’t no way a 70€ wireless crap that breaks after 1 or 2 years better than the years old wired ones that still work.
    2. “Battery low! Charge the unit now!” Is not what I want to hear coming from my headphones during a long day out walking/biking
    3. the audio quality is significantly better on wired than wireless
    4. the wireless ones can be lost easily

    The only real advantage wireless has over wire is not having to have your phone on you and the wire getting stuck in stuff. But for the first case you still have to be fairly close and the occasions when I don’t have my phone in my pocket are too rare to bother and the second case I just tuck the cable under my clothes or backpacks strap if I am really worried about that minor inconvenience.

    The only complaint I have about my current wired headphones is that they use USB-C instead of the jack and it annoys me because I then have to choose between charging my phone or listening to stuff instead of doing both. Or use them for my laptop.