So I applied to be put onto the list and have my palmonary appointment this month. What should I be expecting? I thought because I was in a war zone it was presumed but I guess I was wrong.

  • @PutangInaMo
    11 year ago

    So how’d you go about doing that?

    I was confused about the PACT act increasing disability, got clarification from the VA that one of two things has to happen:

    1. Increase in disability (symptoms getting worse)


    1. New disability claimed under new conditions expanded under the PACT act.
    • @YoBuckStopsHereM
      1 year ago

      First you want to setup an appointment with a Veteran Service Organization (VSO)representative at the VA or a Veteran support agency. They will help you setup things for your claim. Next the VA will schedule your appointments to address your claim. After that they will do an assessment and adjust your disability accordingly.

      • @PutangInaMo
        11 year ago

        I’ve already gone through the process long ago, I’m asking how you got the increase through the PACT act. Which of the 2 scenarios applied to you?