Source olgaf (very NSFW sex/commedy comics)

  • @solstice
    11 year ago

    solutions to what?

    To begin: American corporate culture is toxic. That awful facade of upbeat ecstatic euphoria we have to put on to keep up the charade that everything is AWESOME is just soul crushing. We are being squeezed dry for every penny we have and we’re being told it’s inflation caused by demand for higher wages so people don’t have to choose between rent, food, and medicine this month. Billionaires fly around on private jets and cruise super yachts while children are denied lunch in school. Half the country is fed a steady diet of disinformation telling them climate change is a lie, while they live in food deserts eating processed microwaved diabetes in a box. Economic mobility is stagnating, all the wealth is flowing uphill, our education system is out of reach for many, and overpriced anyway. Meanwhile, not a single banker, politician , or regulator has gone to jail for their part in the Great Recession which cost the taxpayers dearly, while those responsible largely walked away with millions, secure in the knowledge their banks are Too Big To Fail and will most likely be bailed out again the next time that happens. And don’t even get me started about healthcare.

    This comic is about these issues. Tax policy is neither the cause of nor the solution to these problems. As I’ve said a dozen times this comics title is misleading. I’ve already posted my thoughts on possible solutions to these issues twice.

    Here it is yet again:

    • First I would have the FCC reign in Fox News disinformation because we’ll probably never get anywhere when 100 million Americans are being brainwashed daily

    • Campaign finance reform

    • Term limits and maybe age limits in public office

    • Ranked voting to help get rid of the two party system

    • It would be great to somehow change corporate governance to require them to prioritize all stakeholders and not just shareholders but I don’t know how to do this

    • Maybe a requirement for publicly traded companies to have one seat on the board of directors be elected by the employees to represent their interests, perhaps a requirement that maybe 10% of shares issued and outstanding be owned by said employees

    But we can keep talking about charity deductions for individuals and corps if you want, even though this is the first time I’m hearing someone saying that is controversial.

    PS: you want to hear something funny I just thought of? If we ban charity donation deductions for corps it would probably lead to a net DECREASE in tax revenue rather than an increase. My reasoning is that deductions are only worth 21% at the Federal corporate level but up to 37% at the individual level. So we’d probably finagle it so the donations happen anyway, just by the individuals and institutions who own the business instead, who would get a better discount on their contributions. Actions, meet unintended consequences!

    • Primarily0617
      1 year ago

      oh no you went off topic again ;(

      why don’t we just try asking and answering questions one at a time:

      • do you agree that tax deductions for a behavior incentivize that behavior
      • @solstice
        11 year ago

        …I just don’t get you. You’re easily one of the most frustrating users I’ve ever encountered. I don’t know how to be more clear that we got major issues but it’s NOT because of tax and it’s NOT solvable via tax. I REALLY truly thought my last comment would hit home but you’re just impossible. Thanks for proving my initial point: “i’m sure this thread will be full of rational reasonable discussion by tax experts.” Bookmark my comment and maybe read it again when you turn 20.

          • @solstice
            11 year ago

            Are you a bot? I’m really truly hoping you’re an Argument Bot at this point designed to drive engagement. It’s just not possible for a human to be so thick and resistant to a reasonable discussion.

            • Primarily0617
              11 year ago

              It’s just not possible for a human to be so thick and resistant to a reasonable discussion.

              i know right this guy i’m talking to can’t even answer a yes/no question without falling to pieces what’s up with that

              • @solstice
                11 year ago

                It’s so odd how fixated you are on this one teeny tiny microcosm of a far greater issue. It’s just so childishly naive and immature. I can’t grasp being so narrow minded that you can’t accept there’s a much bigger picture you’re not seeing. I hope one day you’ll grow up a bit more and realize how insanely complicated our social issues are, far beyond your fixation on tax deductions for charity contributions.

                • Primarily0617
                  1 year ago

                  i like how you interpret “stay on topic” as “this is the only topic that exists”

                  obviously society is more complicated than tax deductions, you absolute melt

                  i’m pretty sure my first reply to you was literally telling you that taxes aren’t the primary issue in this comic

                  the point is that we were discussing tax deductions, and how “i see no issue with allowing corporations to tax deduct ‘charitable’ expenses that are actually just corporate propaganda” is a very silly thing to say, and an even sillier thing to say when put in the context of you having just finished announcing to the world how much smarter you are than everybody else about this issue because the word “tax” is in the title and you’ve seen a copy of the us tax code at least once

                  if you’re going to die on this weird hill of insisting you’re not allowed to have opinions on anything you don’t literally have a masters degree in (which is weird given your recent paragraph listing off all the things wrong with society that you very obviously aren’t an expert in) then you could at least do us the decency of not throwing out the smoothest of smooth-brain takes about the one topic you are supposed to know your ass from your elbow in

                  • @solstice
                    11 year ago

                    Thanks for your thoughts. Goodbye.