I can’t say I can pin down an exact time, but by the time I had learned about BDSM on the internet I was sure I would like it. The first thing I remember was REALLY liking the scene in Aladdin where Jasmine was chained up by Jafar

  • @Limeey
    31 year ago

    Imo there’s a disconnect between what “kinky” is and what “catholic shame” breeds. I’m not super kinky compared to my poly friend with a fuckin dungeon in his basement, but I don’t want to just have missionary sex in the dark before bed with shame following. My wife and I enjoy sex, and for some that is “kinky” which I guess?

    I do like restraints, slapping, choking, and a healthy dose of dom/sub tho >:)

    • Turkey_Titty_city
      11 year ago

      it’s a spectrum. people who are super vanilla think anything outside of PnV sex is kinky af. those who are into piss play or bruising think cuffs and slapping is vanilla.