Spanish climate activists sprayed red paint across a superyacht owned by billionaire Walmart heiress Nancy Walton Laurie in Barcelona on Friday, the second time the yacht has been the target of protests in the past two months.

    • Ben Hur Horse Race
      181 year ago

      they used biodegradable paint, because they anticipated comments on the internet like the one you have made, complete with an ad hominem attack. the boat didnt need to be repainted.

      where would you like them to “plant trees” in the meaningful way you would prefer these “idiots” to do? In the acres of land they happen to own that they can reforest with native species, yes? Perhaps you should contact them to remind them about the land they own that they’ve forgotten about.

      what they’re doing is getting headlines and drawing attention to how “billionaires should not exist”, which they’ve done. People are seeing this, people are thinking about it, people are talking about it, people are taking time to hot-take simple solutions to the climate emergency like “them idiot protesters should go plant some meaningful trees”

    • DessertStorms
      151 year ago

      I’m not sure if you’re bootlicking for billionaires intentionally or not, but attacking those attacking them with your useless armchair “meaningful solutuion” only serves them…

      • stevedidWHAT
        41 year ago

        Well put and you included a source that’s bonus points yo

    • stevedidWHAT
      41 year ago

      What if instead of shitting on people that are trying to support your cause, you instead try to kindly guide them or show them how you see things.

      Especially considering you’re supposed to be a wookie Mr. >:(

    • @SheeEttin
      11 year ago

      It’d be better if we didn’t have to replant the trees they cut down in the first place.