Nebraska governor Jim Pillen, a Republican not noted as a women’s rights supporter, yesterday issued an executive order “defining” males and females and the attributes thereof. The anti-transgender political grandstanding offers fusty explanations of the sexes–men are “bigger, stronger and faster” on average–in pursuit of Rowling-esque calls for sexual segregation (and even echoing her ostensibly feminist rationales) and not a lot else.

The order declares that, in matters of the state, the “biological differences between the sexes are enduring” and that the “sex” of a person will be defined by the gender designated at birth. In addition to specifically noting how boy, girl, man, and woman will be defined, the order also includes biological descriptions. …

“It is common sense that men do not belong in women’s only spaces,” Pillen said in the news release. “As Governor, it is my duty to protect our kids and women’s athletics, which means providing single-sex spaces for women’s sports, bathrooms, and changing rooms.”

The reaction, at least from Democrats, is to point out that if it were enforced, the likely outcome would be Nebraska losing federal funding for womens’ shelters.

“Today Governor Pillen, famous women’s rights supporter, signed this offensive and ridiculous proclamation establishing a “Women’s Bill of Rights.” He should try saying this stuff to my face then we would see who’s got what biological advantage,” wrote State Senator Megan Hunt on Twitter.

  • Maeve
    01 year ago

    You can also tell how predictably people can be in a situation. Individuals tend to have a repertoire; that’s how boxing, football and any competitive sports coaches train their charges. Groups seem to have them too. Most would-be bullies wing it when sheer size is the differential, beyond a few well-rehearsed moves because that’s all it usually takes. Observe most bullies online or irl, better yet, be bullied. You learn how to move. Eg, a lot of people spoiling for a fight leave their person wide open and unprotected, simply because they think the person seeing them come for a fight is going to let them hit first. Some people still think the other person isn’t going to a sucker punch because it’sa bitch move (and it is); but better to use that bitch move before your bully does. Fighting with honor may or not matter till animal survival instinct kicks in. One can and probably should let it kick in sooner because bullies aren’t really looking for a good excuse or honor and there’s no shame in recognizing that. Just don’t carry it over to every other life aspect.

    • @S_204
      11 year ago

      Damn, this turned into a therapy session for you. Didn’t bother reading it, because if someone that much smaller comes at you, just kick em in the face and keep walking.