This is a thread for a set of resources to either buy DIY HRT. If you have anything not listed here, add it in the comments! I will especially need help with resources outside the US and for trans masc.
This is going to try to be restricted to well-researched documents and to medical organizations/professionals. It is also a reformatted approximation of the Reddit transDIY HRT subreddit wiki. Though this isn’t a perfect copy, it doesn’t aim to be. Most of the wikipedia links have been removed as finding those should always be a resource, and linking them here would waste character space.
- VerywellHealth: What Is Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy?
- Wikipedia entry for Transgender hormone therapy
- WPATH Standards of Care
Trans Fem:
- University of California - San Francisco, Information on Estrogen Hormone Therapy
- Transfeminine Science
- Trans Care Project - Hormones: A Guide for MTFs (PDF)
- Rainbow Health Transfeminine HRT guidelines
- DIY HRT Wiki - Transfem
- Eris Void’s MtF EEn-based HRT Monotherapy Whys and Whats
Trans Masc:
- University of California - San Francisco, Information on Testosterone Hormone Therapy
- Hudson’s FtM Guide Testosterone Therapy Basics
- Trans Care Project - Hormones: A Guide for FTMs (PDF)
- Rainbow Health Transmasculine HRT guidelines
- DIY HRT Wiki - Transmasc
- An excellent overview of HRT for transfeminine non-binary people (AMAB) on Transfeminine Science
- A review of selective estrogen receptor modulators and their potential for transfeminine HRT on Transfeminine Science
- Transfeminine regimen without breast growth using bicalutamide and raloxifene (only that section)
- Chest binders sized for AMAB people (originally intended for men dealing with gynecomastia)
Where to buy:
- This may need to be reloaded. The CSS loads slowly or and sometimes gets stuck loading.
Blood Testing:
- Reference ranges to help interpret blood test results (Trust the levels on the test if different)
- Canada Blood Tests
- Netherlands Blood Tests
- Sweden Blood Tests
- US blood tests
- UK blood tests
- Injectable Estradiol Simulator by Transfeminine Science. A simulator for estradiol levels with injectable estradiol esters like estradiol valerate
- Steroid Plotter. For testosterone and other anabolic steroids. Calculates and plots dose eliminated (not drug levels) based on literature-reported half-lives. It’s extremely rough, so take with a large grain of salt.
- General Half-Life Calculator. This is useful for understanding and reasoning about half-lives and drug accumulation.
Injection Resources:
How To:
- Text Guides:
- Video Guides:
- Video: “How to do a testosterone or estrogen injection – LGBTQ Clinic”
- Video: “Dr. John Crisler, SubQ Injection Demonstration”
- Video by Planned Parenthood: “How to perform an intramuscular (IM) self-injection.”
- Video by planned parenthood: “How to perform a subcutaneous self-injection.”
- Video: “painless self [IM] injections”
Injection Supplies Online:
Guidelines and Research:
- WPATH Standards of Care: The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care (SOC) (2022, currently version 8 and known as SOC8) are considered by many to be the go-to international guidelines and best practices for trans healthcare.
- Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline: The Endocrine Society guidelines (2017) are the major consulted international guidelines on transgender hormone therapy.
- UCSF Guidelines: The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Trans Health Guidelines (2016) are quality and thorough.
- Rainbow Health Ontario Trans Health Guide: These guidelines are a beautiful overview of trans-HRT.
- Trans Care Project: This is an easy-to-understand explanation of HRT for trans people.
- Royal College of Psychiatry Good Practice Guidelines: These guidelines (PDF) are “good practice guidelines for the assessment and treatment of adults with gender dysphoria”.
- NHS explainer for trans patients (PDF)
- The Fenway Institute guidelines for trans medical care (PDF)
- Endocrine Therapy for Transgender Adults in British Columbia: Suggested Guidelines (PDF)
- Sherbourne Health Center Guidelines (PDF)
- International Medical Advisory Panel Statement on hormone therapy for transgender people (PDF)
Accessing Transgender Scientific Studies:
- A massive repository of transgender-related scientific studies
- A guide for searching and getting access to raw medical research on Transfeminine Science
Other Communities:
This is focused on HRT and DIY specifically.
- General:
- Trans fem
- TransDIY Discord (not affiliated with the subreddit)
Please let me know if you know of a resource that’s not listed. I will add it.