Privacy concerns are a very popular and valid talking point on Lemmy, so I would like to gather your thoughts and opinions on this. (Apologies if it’s already been discussed!)

Would you support this? Would it work or even be viable? (If it could somehow overcome the rabid resistance from these big companies). What are your thoughts?

Personally, I’m getting more and more agitated at the state of this late stage global capitalism, where companies have the gall to ask you to pay or subscribe to their products, while they already make money from you for selling your data. It’s been an issue for a long time now, but seems to really be ramping up.

  • @Candelestine
    11 year ago

    Hm. Not a bad idea actually. Just a percentage of the revenues. It would never be any kind of significant income stream for any of us, but it would basically torpedo their entire business model, which relies on being very low-cost to remain profitable.

    Gonna have to either outmaneuver or out-punch Amazon, google and Zuckerberg all together, though, in addition to the whole slew of medium and bit players in the game.

    I think you’d need nothing shy of a global democratic movement to have much of a shot at any long-term results from this strategy. Gonna make Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street look like casual block parties.