• @PopOfAfrica
    010 months ago

    “People” are not responsible for the majority of our emissions. Businesses are, as well as the military to an inordinate extent.

    Again, I never once mentioned a zero fossil fuel society. You are putting words in my mouth.

    • @SCB
      10 months ago

      People cause there to be demand for fossil fuels, not corporations. Businesses don’t burn oil for funsies.

      People are absolutely the cause of all carbon emissions. Businesses only exist because there is demand

      This is why a carbon tax is an effective means of fighting climate change. It disincentivizes consumption of fossil fuels and thus lowers demand

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        It’s not as simple as that, bro. There’s demand for fossil fuels because our entire society was built around it, before we knew it was a problem. Now we do know there’s a problem, but our industries and lives are still dependent on energy, with the majority of the energy required to be from fossil fuels. For consumer demand to stop, we’d have to literally stop using energy altogether.