There are similar neighborhoods out where I grew up, aviation is a big thing in the Antelope Valley. Ancient Valley/Pontious and Rosamond Skypark airports come immediately to mind.
Typically small airports like this use a common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) instead of ATC. Basically, there is a predefined frequency that everyone is on, and you have to announce your intentions and everything you do within the airspace, and if another pilot notices a conflict between you and them they have to tell you.
Where is the air traffic controller for the neighborhood? Or do they never leave and enter at the same time?
The majority of airports don’t have traffic control.
There are similar neighborhoods out where I grew up, aviation is a big thing in the Antelope Valley. Ancient Valley/Pontious and Rosamond Skypark airports come immediately to mind.
Typically small airports like this use a common traffic advisory frequency (CTAF) instead of ATC. Basically, there is a predefined frequency that everyone is on, and you have to announce your intentions and everything you do within the airspace, and if another pilot notices a conflict between you and them they have to tell you.
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