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    “Even after a judge required ACS to reunite Ms. Rivers with her baby, ACS continued to subject Ms. Rivers to needless court proceedings and a litany of conditions that interfered with her parenting of TW for months, while the unlawful removal of her baby was ratified by senior ACS leadership,” the complaint reads. “This was not because ACS was trying to protect TW; this was because Ms. Rivers is Black.”

  • @kttnpunk
    01 year ago

    THC? so what. We all have microplastics in us and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I bet the air quality in NYC is hurting that baby vastly more than a little pot smoke.

    • @uranibaba
      01 year ago

      You are saying to ignore one problem because of another problem, which is stupid. The first problem still need to be fixed as well.