Hello. I’m a hobbist on electronics repairs, and I did some repairs on stuff powered from the wall socket before, using a serial bulb to protect the circuit in case there’s a short. Now I want to troubleshoot a board that works at 3V and very low current (like no more than 100mA). So, how can I properly size the bulb I need for this circuit before powering it? Or is there a better way to protect the circuit than a serial bulb? Thanks in advance.

    • @mattaw
      2 years ago

      Figure 22 has a really cheap voltage and current controlled bench supply using two lm317s from an existing DC supply like a laptop charger etc:


      Pre built ones with heatsinks may be available really cheap on eBay too.

      If you need a lot of DC power there are some kits on eBay etc. that can convert a PC PSU to a bench supply.