I have returned!

I was right, it was a simple oversight on an email verification I missed. I have now regained access thanks to the admins. No funny business to be seen with the Ban of Blaed!

I know I said a lot of content is coming, and it is! But this week in particular is going to be rather busy for me. Please stay tuned and patient until we clear Thursday. I have a huge presentation to give for a full-stack Machine Learning application I have been developing for quite some time (since starting [email protected]!). It is crucial I take the time to polish some of the work needed to hit it home.

Let’s see if everything I’ve learned up to this point has paid off! Keep in mind that I knew literally nothing about Machine Learning, Deep Learning, or AI prior to starting this project. All I have had to work with is a high school diploma and access to the internet. My study/source material has been everything I have shared with each and every one of you here so far (plus some of my own intuitions).

The point of me saying this is that the fact that if I can do it, so can you!



EDIT: Easter egg