Like damn, now that I’m not depressed my brain has opened up all kinds of blocked pathways

  • @Captain_Waffles
    21 year ago

    Yeah, it didn’t work for me either. Just killed my ability to feel anything and I did nothing for weeks.

    • Squanchin' itOP
      31 year ago

      I’m sorry to hear that, for me it’s like enough of a weight has been lifted, I’m able to see, feel, or explore things I haven’t noticed before. If this is a reduced “up” it’s till better than things were before

      • @Captain_Waffles
        11 year ago

        Yeah, it was nice for like the first four days it stopped the panic attacks, cause panic attacks are exhausting, but then it just started to suck cause not caring about literally anything is awful. And then my doc tried to convince me that this wasn’t a side effect, but actually showing I needed a higher dose. Yeah four days of a higher dose and zero food beyond the minimum necessary for my meds I started to taper off it. Cause panic attacks suck, but feeling emotionally dead is worse. Which is why I get tapering instructions upfront now, especially after one doctors office took over three weeks to get back to me about how to safely come off a med causing me severe side effects. By which point I had turned to Google out of desperation and was completely off of it. Apparently I didn’t do it right and should’ve done it over the course of almost a month. Like IDK, maybe if it didn’t take you almost a month to get back to me??

        • Squanchin' itOP
          21 year ago

          Geez! That’s sucks! I know this stuff is a little different for everyone. My doc put gave me some as-needed busiprone & propranolol before the fluoxetine, so that may have contributed to my experience? Who even knows. I hope you can find the correct medication or whatever one day.

          • @Captain_Waffles
            11 year ago

            I’m actually on propranolol, and have tried buspirone. The propranolol puts a slight damper on my anxiety which is nice. The buspirone just didn’t work. It kinda helped, but I’m talking like a 2% improvement, and just made me feel really weird. I hope I can find meds too, but first I need to find a new doc. All hail US “health” insurance. I don’t really mind all that much cause I was planning to look for a new doc anyway cause she didn’t listen.

            Like when I started the prozac and was listing off all the effects it caused I listed off like 20 bad things (no appetite, no motivation to do literally anything, feeling emotionally dead…), and one bad thing with a teeny tiny not really at all positive twist, as in “Instead of having a couple short panic attacks a day and then it’s over, I’m being held on the edge of a panic attack for hours and the only thing I can feel is complete and utter terror and dread until I finally pass out from exhaustion”. And she replied “Oh, that’s good”. 🤬 No it’s not!!! I’d rather have the panic attack, meltdown, and be done, than sit on couch for hours completely terrified but unable to even cry. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy and I hate my mother.