LibreOffice is preinstalled in Pop OS, and as someone who loves the idea of FOSS I want to use it, but inevitably I just use Google docs or Office Online. Is it really worth learning? Has anyone successfully incorporated it into your workflow?

  • @marcos
    82 years ago

    Well, I have a license for MS Office from work that I have never actually installed, because Libre Office is just much simpler to deal with. I’m sure at some point I will need it, but since WFH started there has been no such time.

    Honestly, I have no idea how people can stand MS Word. It’s a complete piece of shit that barely works. If you want it for a text editor, you will have a much better experience with any other suite. But Excel is good, and Power Point does that thing it does quite well (if that’s a good thing, it’s up to opinion). Those are harder to replace.