• @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I wonder if in the future, millennials and gen z will become the new boomers and gen X.

    That will make me kinda sad. I just hope we don’t go down the same path…

    • @madcaesar
      1 year ago

      I don’t think so. Generations that actually struggle end up being good to the next generation. IE the greatest generation

      It’s the entitled cunts that got everything handed to them that turn into massive assholes. IE Boomers

      • @demlet
        241 year ago

        Nice theory, but as the parent of a teenager, younger generations don’t tend to think highly of their elders no matter what. It’s kind of human nature. I predict that Millennials and Gen Z will absolutely be disliked by the generations afterwards, just as Boomers and Gen X are disliked by Millennials and Gen Z. For that matter, love Gen Z all you want, Millennials, just don’t expect it to return the favor. Every generation thinks it’s better than the ones that came before. Ever heard of hippies? Yeah, they were gonna save the world from everyone over 30. Now we just call them Boomers.

        • @[email protected]
          61 year ago

          Sure, I (as a millenials) may dislike, or not understand, the kids as they are doing new things. I mean i have NO idea what that new TikTok NPC stuff is about and I am to afraid to ask…

          But unlike boomers we do know what it is like to struggle for our place in the world and we do not have that skewed of a view. We do understand that sometimes you may even feel trapped or can’t see a way out of a dooming scenario.

          We understand that trying to live your life is actually hard. Just like Gen x understands that as wel.

          Boomer hate is not coming from them hating our punk years or different music taste. Boomer hate is coming from their inability to accept that they had it better then all other generations and continuing to “proof” that every of our issues is easily fixable by “not buying advocado toast”.

        • @madcaesar
          11 year ago

          I’m not talking about teenagers. You can’t judge generations based on your experience with your kid.

          I’m talking the overall trend of the population en masse. Those that know the struggle are more empathetic than those who never struggle.

          • @demlet
            31 year ago

            I judge it by the fact that young people tend to blame their elders for the problems in the world. The only way to really know what will happen is to wait and see I suppose!

    • @Magister
      141 year ago

      I don’t know, I’m an X, we don’t really exist anywhere, we are transparent and ignored in societies.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        My parents are (early) Gen X. In general I don’t think you are transparent or ignored. I’m not saying this isn’t your case though.

        I appreciate my parents and even though they are “outdated” on some stuff, I value them immensely. For instance, if it wasn’t for my dad I likely would never have gotten into omputers. And that would’ve led me not have my current job (probably). I owe everything to them.

        In fact, in my country at least (not US), I’m pretty sure Boomers + Gen X make up the majority of the voting power due to declining birth/death rates. (These stats are 100% pulled out of my ass, so they can very well be wrong.)

        So, if anything you’re the ones who hold more power (again, in my country at least).

        What I’m trying to say is, things aren’t as black and white as this stupid memes make them seem. We’re all collectively messed up somehow. :)

    • @demlet
      41 year ago

      You won’t, you’re all perfect of course! All the best commercials tell you so, to say nothing of the most reliable source, one another!

    • Franzia
      41 year ago

      Gen X isn’t naturally like this because of age, but because of political and media marketing that worked to stamp their generation with certain conservative values from a young age. If this is gonna happen to Gen Z, it will happen soon. But few tend to deradicalize once they are anti-capitalist.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Yeah, I’m honestly concerned since my parents’ political views changed radically the last 5~10 years or so. They were super loving and caring. Now they’re very “paranoid” about things that shouldn’t really leave them that stressed and xenophobic bordering full on racism. Overall gender related topics topics, random news on Facebook, immigrants…

        I think that, if my parents that were so understanding and caring about everything and everyone, can somehow have their opinion change drastically in 5-10 years, what’s preventing that from happening to me, or my generation, down the road? I’m not trying to say that every gen X or boomer thinks that same way though. But a lot of them have grown more “resentful” I guess…

        Yeah, computers and Internet aren’t their expertise so maybe they’re more likely to fall for fake news and clickbaity titles designed to infuriate them and generate views.

        But who knows what’s coming? Maybe there’s something else coming up that my generation will be too “boomer” to understand. Maybe we’ll fuck up everything without even noticing we’re doing it until it’s too late. Maybe I’m just being too paranoid myself.

        • Franzia
          31 year ago

          Think tanks are paid a lot to figure out how to dupe every generation and make fools of us. Should be obvious, but a lot of young “leftist” or “progressive” democrats are… maybe happier to tow the party line than they let on. And oddly support Israel, full-stop. Maybe we will vote in a “leftist” raegan democrat or something. The path to hell is paved with good intentions.