Title: installing battle net is a bit of chore, but other than that was very impressed with how smoothly this runs on steam deck. Combined with Steam Dock and instant console mode. Highly recommend.

  • @eljimo
    22 years ago

    I have it on my deck as well and it runs really nicely, 60fps constant on low or some slight framedrops on medium but never below 40, the only downside is if I press the power button to pause, it never reconnects for me when I resume, so I gotta close the whole game and reopen it.

    Also, I found that by binding L1 and L2 to R3 and R4 (back buttons), then Right Joystick to output Left Joystick, I can play the game with just my right hand, freeing up my left hand for other activities… The right joystick is only really used for scrolling long item text and zooming in and out in map, which you can do using the touch pad anyway.

    • @demonsword
      2 years ago

      I can play the game with just my right hand, freeing up my left hand for other activities…

      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)