My eyesight is getting shot by looking at a monitor for so many hours, both at work and off work, so Doc said to switch to analogue - if I have to read something, let it be books.

I’m into pretty much all genres, so if there is any book you particularly like or recommend, I’m all ears (and eyes)!

EDIT: thanks for the great suggestions, I’m checking all of them!!!

  • @flossdaily
    39 months ago

    I highly recommend the Riyria Revelations trilogy starting with Theft of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan.

    It starts out being just plain fun, and gradually introduces you to a very sophisticated story and some well developed world building.

    The best part is that if you love it there are tons more books waiting for you in the series, and all of them are spectacular.

    • Fermiverse
      9 months ago

      Just looked into your suggestion and found that there is also a prequel series to the books suggested (the chronicals series), although written at a later date.

      Where to start, what is your suggestion? As you seem to know the books.

      • @flossdaily
        29 months ago

        Definitely do it in the order they were written.

        Start with Theft of Swords.