• Hot Saucerman
    1 year ago

    Taking away your labor power from chucklefucks who use the sweat of your brow to continue to oppress you is good praxis.

    People talk about boycotting by not buying things from certain companies, but not enough people commit to not giving their labor to those companies in exchange for a paycheck. That’s a boycott, too. When you’re working for them, you’re literally helping them believe the dumbfuck shit they believe, and allowing them to use their financial largess to influence the media to promote their dumbfuck bullshit.

    Standing up for the people who no longer are “economically viable” means something. But go ahead, let your boss say your parents should just die when they’re too damaged to work. Laugh with them about it. Go ahead and be a callous asshole who won’t stand up for someone who can’t stand up for themselves.

    • @Hyzerflip
      91 year ago

      Except here it seems the issue is with the boss/manager and not the owner. If they were to take their complaints to the owner and was still brushed away, then that’s a different story. Managers come and go, owners do not. If it was a good job, then it worth fighting.

      • Hot Saucerman
        1 year ago

        Managers come and go, owners do not.

        As much as “cool bosses” want to act cool, hiring a shitty manager and then hiding behind their shitty behavior is pretty common for “cool bosses” who aren’t actually “cool bosses” because they like having a middle manager shithead to blame all their shitty decisions on.

        They hired the manager, what does that say about them? The idea that it doesn’t say something about the kind of person they want working for them is a joke.

        • DeepFriedDresden
          11 year ago

          Is “what do you think about social security income/disability income?” a common interview question?

    • @Jessvj93
      41 year ago

      Just went to pay a visit to Craigslist Jobs to see what kinds of companies are there offering employment and man…there’s no warehouse jobs in what was previously packed to the walls with them. I remember seeing the desperation during Covid when the worker shortage just cratered their economically exploitable pool. The amount of companies offering 4 digit bonuses was wild. And it looks like they’re all but gone now, I really hope they went under.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Warehouse jobs are very often through temp agencies. Perhaps that wasn’t the case in your area but things have now shifted that way there.