In the years following the 2013 debut of Adult Swim’s cartoon phenomenon “Rick and Morty,” its star and co-creator Justin Roiland became a titan of the animation and video game industry and a rock star of youth counterculture. His artistic style and caricatures became ubiquitous in cannabis culture, and his career expanded into producing other animated series, creating NFTs and leading a virtual reality gaming studio. In 2017, a “Rick and Morty” collaboration with McDonald’s led to such a viral frenzy that police had to be called to at least two locations.

But as he partied with Los Angeles’ superstars and traveled the country for conventions, he also found he could use his fame to strike up conversations and develop relationships with young fans, including some who were underage. This is according to interviews with 11 women and nonbinary people who shared thousands of messages with Roiland from 2013 to 2022 — with nine of the people saying he turned the exchanges sexual. Of those nine people, three said they were 16 when they started talking to Roiland. To corroborate their stories, the 11 women and nonbinary people also shared pictures, videos, social media posts, emails, and plane ticket and Uber receipts with NBC News.

Warning: Lengthy and graphic details

  • @[email protected]
    -291 year ago

    I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but it’s always funny to me how modern society “forgets” that men are literally biologically programmed to be attracted to girls are soon as they start looking “old enough”.

    And guess what, that doesn’t magically happen when they turn 18, it often happens at a younger age.

    And no, that doesn’t mean men should flirt with and date young girls. I’m just trying to say it’s biology. It’s science. Facts even.

    • @NOT_RICK
      221 year ago

      You’re getting downvoted because it’s irrelevant and honestly quite creepy to bring up. There’s plenty of shit people did in the distant and not so distant past that isn’t ok today because we now know better.

      • @UsernameIsTooLon
        81 year ago

        Rockstars would literally brag about shagging a high schooler. Different times and vibes. We know better now that it’s predatory and we should move forward advancing society with that knowledge.

      • Avid Amoeba
        1 year ago

        In addition he’s getting downvoted because this is fucking sexist bullshit. In non-sexually repressive environments most kids get sexually attracted to other kids irrespective of their gender fairly early. Arguably girls might get there a couple of years earlier, arguably. And so throughout the gender spectrum people don’t fuck despite their attraction because they have heads on their shoulders as you rightfully point out.

    • Ghostalmedia
      151 year ago

      This guy right here, officer.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      You do realize people have the ability to not act upon every urge right

      So who cares? You’ve got a brain for a reason

    • UnhingedFridge
      91 year ago

      Yo, so why am I attracted to 30’s-ish taller women with bush and armpit hair that also look like they could crush my bones?

      Don’t start pulling biologically programmed out your ass when describing your own tastes.

    • @UsernameIsTooLon
      81 year ago

      I think there’s too much sexual supression, especially through religion. The 2nd largest serial killer in the world was a paedo because he knew he liked boys at a young age but due to Christianity having a big emphasis on don’t be gay, he suppressed those urges and they came back out later in life, except he was still attracted to the boys at the age he realized he was gay.

      Girls can look “cute” but if you’re well integrated into society in the first place, you can find them attractive, but not sexually attractive if that makes sense.

      • @Orbit79
        141 year ago

        I think there is too much sexual suppression in the US. Here in Denmark the age of consent is 15, and I honestly think it is a much safer place for my daughter than the US.

        • @_bac
          1 year ago

          Same here in Slovenia. I have two early teenage daughters and will have no problem with them being responsibly sexual with partners of same age or a couple years older when they are 15 if they want to. We will talk about everything of course. In america there seems to be some cognitive dissonance - everything is sexualized but also forbidden.