• @Windex007
    31 year ago

    I agree that Disney is having a spat with specifically Ron DeSantis, and I think it does make them uncomfortable.

    That being said, it’s a very personal feud. DeSantis thought he could use them as a punching bag for some political points… and he was wrong. The actual law came down on Disney’s side, no matter what DeSantis as an individual thought.

    And this is why I’d still think that as a whole I personally would still say that Disney is still happy with the status quo.

    The kinda icky reason why Disney knew the law would come down on their side is the same reason Mickey Mouse is still protected under copyright: Disney WRITES the law. They shovel money at politicians and LITERALLY write the bills they want them to pass.

    So as uncomfortable as a spat with a man is, a system in which they can pay-to-legislate is still a status quo they’re very happy with, and I don’t think that was ever in jeapordy.

    I will say that I was pleasantly surprised at what appeared to be a social conscience from Disney. I’m skeptical that it’s strictly rooted in benevolence, but at this point even if the Ulta powerful do the right things (even if for maybe less-than-perfect reasons), I’m tired enough to just accept it as a W and move on.