So, I was in some world where there were two areas: one for humans, and the other was populated by anthropomorphic animals.

Well, I had three friends. One of them was a big rabbit whose fur was somewhere between light brown and desert sand brown, but I don’t remember the other two, although I think they were people. I’m not sure if I was a human myself, but I had a feeling that I lived in the animal area, but were a human who had managed to make friends with the animals.

I was in the human area with my friends and had to go help some widow or something. I explored the city with an electric scooter. Apparently electric scooters were really popular there, because almost everyone rode one, despite the fact it was in winter. I saw a lot of people wearing nothing but a towel, it apparently had something to do with some holiday.

Now begins the more grimm part.

At some point, I was held a prisoner with my friends in a detached house. The family lived upstairs while we were in the basement. We were laying in some dark cell with a dirt floor and a tiny window near the ceiling when we were invited to another room. I don’t know where the rabbit dude was when this happened, but I think he got to stay in the cell.

Well, we followed them to the room. The room was dark and has a cold tile floor that was either made out of stone or ceramic. We stood there, with no idea what will happen next.

Then I hear a gunshot and the next thing I know is that I’m wiggling like a fish on dry land. I can hear my friends screaming and after three more gunshots it is quiet.

My two friends are dead. I am rolling in a puddle of dark red blood and then ask “am I really the only one who survived?” I hear the coldest yes I could ever imagine and slowly get up, with my heart still beating so, so fast. Then they proceed to drag away the corpses, or more like pieces of them, as if they were just any garbage in the floor. When I walk back to the cell, I am still shivering.

Now that I’m awake, this scene felt so, so real and vivid compared to other parts of this dream that I get a bit shocked whenever I think about it. The sound of my friends screaming like dying pigs, the way I wiggled on the floor helplessly, my heart beating so fast, and everything else was just so realistic.

Well, at some point, for some reason, I was with the rabbit on a trampoline in the house’s yard. It was a sunny spring day. I could see the city the animals lived in and were thinking about escaping and going there. Then I looked at the fence right next to the trampoline and said to the rabbit: “we could go this way”. I stayed there for a while, trying to decide if I should take the risk.

I then thought that they shot two of my friends, so they’ll shoot us too. I jumped over the fence and told the rabbit to do the same. The rabbit looked at me, I think he was quite unsure. I then told him that I will be running away and he can either come with me or stay there and eventually get shot. He then jumped over the fence and we started running.

Soon, I looked behind and noticed that he was laying on the ground. He had gotten injured and somehow one of his paws was detached. I then drag his unconscious (but alive) body away from the house. For some reason, I decided to keep his paw, thinking that it can be reattached.

When I finally arrived to the city, I met some salesman who was a badger wearing a brown fedora and a trench coat. They sold me some fabric or plastic thing to wrap the rabbit’s paw in. They didn’t find the fact that I was in some small alley dragging an unconscious body and carrying his detached paw questionable at all. Then I went to a library and met an owl librarian there. I think I knew her and I probably were going to ask her for help, but this is when I woke up.

I hope this dream will continue tonight, I really want to see what happens next.

  • Setarkus.LWM
    21 year ago

    It’s funny how unusual things in dreams can just get explained with some random reason in dreams. People riding electric scooters in winter while only wearing a towel? Electric scooters must be really popular and today’s some holiday.

    Now begins the more grimm part

    I kinda love that you describe what follows as “more grimm”, as if it wasn’t something really disturbing. My mind went from “rabbit dude ‘got to’ stay in the cell? Because of the colder floor?” to gunshots silencing screams “… oh :o …”

    Good thing you kept that rabbit paw, I guess it really brought you enough luck to not get shot while escaping :D

    Another thing I really like about dreams is how other characters can also be just as dismissive of weird stuff. Dragging an unconscious person through a dark alley while carrying their detached paw? They’re must be lucky to have such a nice friend.

    Or, from personal experience: an old lady on her balcony, watching me glide down from the sky after some battle in space with no parachute on me, with huge chunks of armor plating and other debri falling down into the park behind me “Oh hello there young man, would you like some of the apple pie I just made?”