Monday is here again, which means back to work for most of us.

Has it rained yet where you are? What’s happening this week?

  • Finnbot
    31 year ago

    Same this end, it’s been bucketing doon for the last couple of days. The backdoor has this bit that’s like a fucking quagmire and I’m not too sure how to deal with it. Love mopping up floor every time the dog is let out the back.

    • @sideoneOPM
      31 year ago

      We put a big towel down on the porch floor and make our dog walk over it a few times to clean his paws.

      • Ni
        21 year ago

        That’s a good idea, we do something similar!

      • Finnbot
        21 year ago

        That’s actually a great shout, cheers!

    • Ni
      11 year ago

      Is the rain seeping through the door? We have a similar issue with our backdoor, but haven’t worked out if it’s a door, doorframe or a something else issue.

      • Finnbot
        21 year ago

        Thankfully not - I think it’s just an issue in the way the garden is sloped - drainage hasn’t been thought out very well. It’s a housing association house that was built in 2009 so it’s kinda mind bogling that it wasn’t really planned for.