And it really irks me a lot.

Update: Man, I have gotten tons of great responses here and a lot of activity. The comments section turned out way better than Reddit. Thank you all! <3

  • @Tangent5280
    1 year ago

    Ya’ know, maybe voldemort would have maybe been able to take over at least one high school if he realised he could owl-mail a pipe bomb instead of all these cartoonish ritual shit.

    EDIT: Or just portkey two subcritical halves of an enriched uranium weapon from two seperate places into destinations right next to each other so it forms one supercritical mass when they arrive. Where to get the uranium? Transfigure it of course.

    You know what, just get ron’s creepy manrat pet to transfigure the whole thing on site. For bonus kek don’t tell him about the explosion that usually follows.