Do you personally help to reduce your own CO2 emissions? What should the country do to reach this goal? Who will be the winners / losers of all this?

  • @joelthelion
    11 year ago


    • Do a personal carbon footprint assessment. This will tell you what to focus on, if anything. I think the current mean footprint in Switzerland is around 12t/person/year. We need to get down to 1.5t…
    • Do the necessary changes: insulate your house, renounce plane travel and meat, see if you can improve your personal transportation by getting an electric bike, public transport, moving or, if all else fails, getting a small electric car.

    On a political level:

    • Continue investing in renewable energy and/or nuclear
    • Create an efficient carbon tax, ideally together with the EU
    • Enact restrictive regulations, forbid certain wasteful activities or goods, limit the size of cars, mandate performant new buildings, etc.