Yeah, none of us are unbiased. Literally. There is simply too much to know, and the world is far too complex, with too many unanswered questions/problems, to judge things without bias.
Even something as “simple” as ethics, has no objective answers as far as we know. And when people can disagree on ethics, you know, the very foundation of what is considered bad and good, how can you ever be truly unbiased?
The next best thing you can do, is being almost conciously biased. Find your moral framework and ideology (and the status quo very much is ideological as well), and criticize it and yourself to the highest degree. You won’t be unbiased, but maybe you can get something productive going.
That you think there ARE no unbiased sources means that you’re a corporate shill, spreading agit-prop to discourage folks from finding things out for themselves.
You see what I just did, there? That’s exactly what you’re doing to me
That you think unbiased sources exist means your bullshit meter is not as finely tuned as you think it is.
Yeah, none of us are unbiased. Literally. There is simply too much to know, and the world is far too complex, with too many unanswered questions/problems, to judge things without bias.
Even something as “simple” as ethics, has no objective answers as far as we know. And when people can disagree on ethics, you know, the very foundation of what is considered bad and good, how can you ever be truly unbiased?
The next best thing you can do, is being almost conciously biased. Find your moral framework and ideology (and the status quo very much is ideological as well), and criticize it and yourself to the highest degree. You won’t be unbiased, but maybe you can get something productive going.
That you think there ARE no unbiased sources means that you’re a corporate shill, spreading agit-prop to discourage folks from finding things out for themselves.
You see what I just did, there? That’s exactly what you’re doing to me