• @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Yeah sounds good. How about we take your guns now and when you’ve finished building all of that, you can have them back?

    After all, your post is clearly admitting that American society isn’t fit for the near indiscriminate sale of guns to citizens.

    • @sudo22
      -11 year ago

      Because guns in America are used defensively at least 1 to 1 (this ratio is higher in some studies) with their use in crime. So no, until the crime is gone I want to defend myself. And once crime is gone, then who are you making safer by disarming anyone.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Are you basing those numbers on the study that just asked gun owners about “defensive gun use” without any form of validation whatsoever?

        Regardless, your talking point had nothing to do with anything I posted, you clearly just wanted to say it. Are you worried I might have hurt your guns feelings?

        70% of mass shooters are legal gun owners. Of the remaining, most are children who took the unsecured firearm of a family member.

        The pro-gun community has spent 20 years insisting that they (and they alone) have the answers yet the problem continues to spiral further out of control. The number of guns used in crimes that were bought through “gun show loopholes” is on the rise, but the pro-gun community still opposes background checks for private sales.

        So regurgitate all the gun lobby talking points you want because your word is worthless.

        • @sudo22
          1 year ago

          You literally asked what if we took all he guns away and I gave a counterpoint why i think that would be bad. If you doubt my sources (which is impressive since i hadn’t provided any yet) say so instead of jumping to insults. If you want to start ad hominem attacks, just reply to yourself cause I’m not interested in continuing the conversation.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            So your answer to “What if we took your guns away?” is “Because guns in America are used defensively”?

            Lie better.

            • @sudo22
              11 year ago

              Hey if being such an asshole to someone who’s done nothing to you make you feel good, have fun. Not letting people provide evidence and going strait to being rude is a great way to think you’re always right.

              • @[email protected]
                1 year ago

                If even if I were that, I’d still have the moral high ground over someone who insists the deaths of hundreds of innocent people is just the price society has to pay for their hobby.

                Because do you know what’s far more offensive than someone “being rude” on the internet? Children mutilated beyond recognition by a legal gun owner.