I never click on them and I don’t consume any other content related to those countries but every so often I’ll see an anti (those countries) headline in my feed and then the next few days will have pro occupied China stories

It feels like targeted propaganda since I never see good stories about the other countries and it makes me wonder why YouTube hasn’t been broken up if they are too big to monitor that

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Ah yes, citing Wikipedia… who’s sources explicitly state that Beijing never contacts them and that Jack Ma’a policy has been to be skeptical of the government’s role. Classic.

    It’s only Beijing that we never hear from, he says. He adds that he wishes that were different.

    Describing the ideal relationship between companies and the government, Jack Ma has said something along the lines of: “Go ahead and flirt with it, but don’t marry it.”

    The paper still reports extremely critically on issues that the Chinese state media avoids.

    Executive Vice President Joseph Tsai, for example, has complained that the Western media reports on China in a biased and one-sided way because they disagree with communism. He has said that the South China Morning Post should report on things “as they are.”

    Turns out, when you shift your focus from being a purely Hong Kong-oriented paper to an international one, your editorial scope changes.

    When in Hong Kong writing about mainland China, you can afford to be more critical because your readership has a pretty fair view of mainland China (given that, y’know, they’re literally right beside it}. When writing for the international audience, there are far more things that need to be cleared up.

    As I showed above, SCMP is clearly deviating pretty far from Beijing’s policy (in large part because Alibaba and Jack Ma have always maintained a somewhat skeptical stance relative to the government) and often comes out openly against Beijing’s positions. All you’ve shown me is people saying “oh no but Alibaba is Chinese and China is bad and thus SCMP is bad.” Just the tiniest but racist, don’t you think?

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I can find an anti-China video:





        Meanwhile your source is… Fucking Wikipedia lmfao. The article isn’t even cited properly given that it mentions 3 sources and only links to two. There’s a reason Wikipedia isn’t considered a reliable source.

        • @[email protected]OP
          01 year ago

          My source was myself, I gave you Wikipedia to let you click through to more than one source of other opinions

          Stop being an idiot

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            I’m an idiot because I gave you videos contrary to your point? How is it my fault that Google thinks you’re on an anti-Japan/anti-Korean binge?

            Not everything is a conspiracy against you. Google thought that those recommendations would get you to think about YouTube more (and eventually watch more content). Judging by your behaviour, I’m guessing it was right.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                Ah yes, because you refuse to see evidence contradicting your point (i.e. first party source) and choose to hide behind second- and third-party “sources.”


                • @[email protected]OP
                  11 year ago

                  It was faster for me to post 1 link that already had 2 links on it than it was for me to post those 2 links and I over estimated your intelligence in being able to click through

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 year ago

                    Those links still aren’t first-party sources, though? Either way, I quoted from that article and I did provide first-party evidence, neither of which you have addressed. There is nothing to indicate that, as you claim, SCMP only posts pro-China and anti-Korea/anti-Japan content.

                    Do you enjoy being confidently wrong, or do you just enjoy being confident and are wrong by circumstance?