This was a great idea from RussJR08. Feel free to introduce yourself to the group!

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Hello folks! My name is Russell, but most people just call me Russ!

    I live on the east coast of the US (and was born here) at the moment, but I’ve previously lived in Texas for a pretty good chunk of my childhood. Great food over there, and I definitely miss it but oh my god do I not miss the year long heat (though I hear that is getting better?)…

    I was diagnosed with crohn’s disease when I was about 12 years old in the seventh grade, but I had symptoms going back as far as the fourth grade. It’s been a very long journey, but I’m getting through it a day at a time! I’m an aspiring software developer (or as I like to describe myself “I teach computers how to do new things”), but I do some systems administration at my workplace along with development and technical support - we’re a smaller company so I tend to wear a lot of hats 😅

    I’m incredibly happy to see that we have a Crohn’s & UC community here on Lemmy, and I hope to be more of an active participant than an observer like I was in the equivalent subreddits! 🎉