When it ends I’ll have an internet funeral.

  • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
    61 year ago

    I am going to try and leave this world like I never existed. I have deleted my social media accounts that had my real name, and pictures. I have deleted all my dating accounts that had my picture. I deleted all of my google accounts that had my real name attached. I never have and never will take a dna test. I want to leave the world like it was before I existed.

      • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
        21 year ago

        Yeah, I have a sister that might have. I don’t know though. We haven’t spoken in like 15 years.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Why? Why would you care if your data is harvested after you are gone or what anyone thinks about you after you die?

      • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
        11 year ago

        I don’t care what happens to my data after I die. I have left many contributions on Reddit, and I’m building a healthy amount of interactions here. I also ran a successful game server a long time ago and stuff about it are still out there.

        It’s about what I want for my image personally. Like, some people want statues and monuments dedicated to themselves. I want the opposite. Which is harder to achieve these days than you’d think.

          • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
            11 year ago

            The truth is that I don’t have a reason that makes sense to anyone other than me, but I’ll try and explain it.

            I am a stay at home parent, and I drive a lot. Taking kids to various places. I decided that to support various local businesses I would leave google reviews. So, I started doing that, and they started doing really well.

            After a while my phone started sending me notifications. It would be from google and would say something like “We see you went to X shop 2 days ago. Tell us about your experience. That kinda made me feel gross.

            I started thinking about how much information we give up involuntarily, and don’t get it twisted. I don’t think that I’m “special”, or that these companies are after me specifically. But where I go, and what I do, and what I look at, and who I am is my business.

            I know that I’ll leave some stuff behind. After all I’m on the internet right now. But, I’m going to support that system as little as I can and still be comfortable.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              Up to you, I guess I don’t really care how I’m buried for example, but I’d certainly rather be dumped in the woods rather than embalmed and have a plot etc

              • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
                11 year ago

                I could get behind natural burial. Ask a mortician on YouTube is/was one of my favorite channels.

                But yeah I don’t care what happens to my body. I’ll probably wind up in a potter’s field somewhere. Which is fine by me. Though it does seem like a huge waste. Like if I’m no longer using my body. It seems like they could at least feed it to some animals or something.