This forum, (should I call this website forum?) really needs AMP discussion. Post your to go AMPs, and suggest different AMP builds here.

When I started to get into AMPs I went with information I get from the internet, aka “177 is META” So I built 177, and 1 part of it is ok, I like pinpoint hitscan single fire sniper shots. However is x77 such a must? I build 747 just now, and having lot more fun with x4x.

Next one I would like to built and try out something like 615, to have flamer as primary, long range accurate shot as secondary and loads of AMP ammo in reserves.

Share your AMPs and why you like certain AMP combinations, and why? Not only for Eidolon hunts, but for Unairu Last Gasp for example

  • @JusticeForPorygon
    22 years ago

    I know critical chance is almost always better on amps, but for a x4x amp would you want to run status at all for that proc? I’ve seen them do hilarious damage to eidolons but it seems to require too much luck to be worthwhile

    • @Vahenir
      12 years ago

      With 747 that isn’t necessary. With the amount of hits the main attack does you get procs relatively often even with the 10% status chance on it.

      • yew
        2 years ago

        I run a 743 due to a recommended video I found for the increased status chance. Lohrin does drop klamora crit 58% to 50% and increase status 10% to 22% which only decreases average base dps by about 6%, while more than doubling the status chance.

        So it’s certainly worth looking into but yeah I agree most of the time more status is not necessary as I’m just using primary fire for most enemies. However for eximus the bubble + glaive seems to be the most effective.

        I also want to mention that Eternal Logistics is an extreme buff to 74x builds, especially when reviving your warframe.