I have 291 episodes named tv.show.01.mp4 to tv.show.291.mp4 and i want rename them to be named like Tv Show Episode S01E01.mp4. I use Linux so please suggest only FOSS compatible programs
I have 291 episodes named tv.show.01.mp4 to tv.show.291.mp4 and i want rename them to be named like Tv Show Episode S01E01.mp4. I use Linux so please suggest only FOSS compatible programs
I might have messed something up but I think you should be able to take it from here:
function split_season() { S=$((($1-1)/$2)) E=$(($1-$S*$2)) printf "S%02dE%02d" $(($S+1)) $E } EPISODES_PER_SEASON=15 for f in tv.show.*.mp4; do NUMBER=`echo $f|sed 's/[^[:digit:]]*\([[:digit:]]*\).mp4/\1/'` #maybe put echo at the beginning of the next line to test before moving? mv "$f" "Tv Show $(split_season $NUMBER $EPISODES_PER_SEASON).mp4" done