Ahoy, STO Captains! Are you lost? You can find us over at @sto (https://kbin.social/m/sto). It’s not meant to replace r/sto, but to provide a space in the fediverse for the players to ask questions about the game, chat about builds, post Kurland memes, etc. Maybe build some kind of community, who knows. All are welcome! See you out there among the stars

#StarTrekOnline #sto

  • @emptyother
    31 year ago

    Are you lost? You should have been over at the https://startrek.website instance together with all the other star trek subs!

    Nah, just kidding. But I cant seem to find and subscribe to the sto community/magazine from lemmy.world . Maybe I’m doing something wrong? Or maybe the federation is slow? The url should be https://lemmy.world/c/[email protected] right?