Normally slopes on my prints look fine, but recently I’ve been getting bad extrusion on some prints but not all. Same materials, same print file. Could this be one of the motors starting to fail? Printed on an ender 3.

Edit: so changing the POM wheels did nothing. However, I did notice while printing the layers weren’t cooling as much as they should before the next layer started. So maybe there could be a fan issue.

  • @IMALlama
    39 months ago

    Does your nozzle touch your endstop or does something else? I wonder if you’re having an inconsistent first layer. That can mess up my top layer and it wouldn’t surprise me if it also impacted overhangs.

    • @PrismoOP
      29 months ago

      I’ve not had any first layer issues, all have had good extrusion and adhesion. Nothing appears to be touching.

      • @IMALlama
        39 months ago

        On my Voron my nozzle triggers my z endstop. I’ve noticed that if I have gunk on the nozzle from the last print I won’t consistently z home. That can lead to all kinds of interesting print inconsistencies.

        • @PrismoOP
          39 months ago

          That’s interesting, thank you, I’ll double check that too.