I am theoretically switching over from Reddit to Lemmy. Finding myself spending more time on Lemmy than on Reddit. Maybe it’s because I am limited to using the desktop and can’t aimlessly browse Reddit on my iPhone. Of late, the only subreddits I cared for were on sports and their matchday threads and r/watches. I found myself aimlessly browsing through r/AskReddit and asking and answering pointless questions.
Haven’t used Reddit much since the turn of this year as it was negatively affecting my mental health (the atmosphere, aggressiveness etc). So yeah I guess I’ve been browsing this one more. I have tried “niche” websites many times before and they do always have that “wonder of the beginning” phase. Whether I’ll stick around tho… fully dependant on if there is interesting threads being posted in the future and the discussion isn’t hostile (unlike my experience of Reddit. You can say literally anything and someone will show up to argue with you over the dumbest, most meaningless thing for no other reason than just to argue. Never signed up for that treatment so yeah if that happens here I’ll be OUT.)