I haven’t touched Rhino outside of Index in ages and even there, he was replaced by Revenant. I don’t even know why I keep him around but since I do, I decided I want to give him a proper build.

Mind you, I have a SP viable build for everything I own…except Rhino Prime.

I figured he’s a tank and doesn’t need much, like Nezha for example, but boy was I wrong. Even some mid level Steel Path enemies totally wiped the floor with him. I’m actually convinced there’s a bug at play here because the second Iron Skin goes down, I immediately die. You’d expect shield gating to kick in first but it feels like it really doesn’t.

Anyway, Iron Skin usually holds only a few seconds even though I have high Armor and Strength and use it when under enemy fire, so I’m probably doing something wrong. Naturally, I looked for guides online but most of them are ridiculous, like:

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Tell me, how can I make Rhino survive Steel Path in a non-ridiculous way, please.

  • Tgnome
    12 years ago

    In steel path if you’re proactive about charging groups of enemies and then double casting your armor you shouldn’t have too much yime surviving. If you charge enough there’s more crowd control meaning less damage, meaning armor lasts long enough for you to deal some damage and then recast it without dying. If you’re having trouble staying alive throw a cheaper crowd control ability on for his 4. Maybe larva, or ensnare so it’s easier to hit a large group with his charge and get more armor?