Every story gets interpreted individually, so what parts of the games storytelling are resonating with you?

Something I found interesting about my play through a quest lead me to commit some corporate espionage. During one of the last missions everything went tits up but I made a distinct choice to remain non lethal. While I truly hated working for a corp (really hoping there was a path to destroy from within) I loved how the game at least at a minimum allowed me to interject my own morals into my character.

Situationally though, I did go and slaughter a few mines worth of people but I can head cannon that into my ethics no prob.

Just as an open discussion, I’m curious if other people are having those moments of thought or personal reflection.

  • @docclox
    61 year ago

    I’ve been surprised by how much of a good guy I’ve been in my gameplay so far. Generally I tend towards the antihero, but my diplomat character is turning out pretty much heroic, albeit with occasional moments of pragmatism.

    I’m intrigued by the NG+ setup. It closely mirrors the way many people to play the game anyway: finish the game and then play it again with more or less the same character, but leveraging foreknowledge of how events will play out. It’s as if the reality of the game reflected the structure of the game and the Starborn had learned to exploit that. (I also think they did something similar with Septimus Signus’ description of Elder Scrolls in TESV, but I nearly got burned at the stake for suggesting that on /r/teslore :) )

    Not so keen on Constellation. For an eclectic mix of backgrounds and viewpoints, they are a preachy, self righteous bunch. Spare some poor sap who was set up to take the fall in some corporate power-play? Sarah doesn’t like that. He did the crime so he should do the time. And Heaven forbid you should fire at a pirate and accidentally tag a UC or FC ship. You’ll get the whole of them shouting at you to get out of the pilot ship and talk to them RIGHT NOW and never mind that you’re busy fighting for your life. I tell you, next time I spec a new character, I’m taking introvert and leaving Constellation at home.

    Not mad keen on the companion quests either, which is odd since that’s one of the few things in Fallout 4 that I thought they did really well. Sarah is a clingy drip, at least when she’s not channeling the Daily Mail editorial staff; I’m not interested in hearing about Barret and his dead husband; and Sam Coe’s cute softy cowboy with adorable daughter show … I’ll pass, thanks. Andreja is at least interesting, but for all her tough talk, she’s just as straight laced and judgemental as Sarah, the minute you do anything that smacks of coloring outside the lines.

    Then again, I’m generally happiest as a solo act anyway, so it’s no big deal.

    I do like most of the moral dilemmas posed so far. The opportunities for corruption have been lucrative enough that I’d at least consider them, and laced with enough justification that you could take them and tell yourself you’re doing the right thing. (Not that I have, admittedly). One NG+ it might be fun to take all the morally questionable choices and see just how mad can Barret can get. Will Sarah chuck me out of Constellation if I continue to abuse my power? Or will it all work out just the same anyway in classic Bethesda style. In any case, if I’m going to keep getting lectured, I might as well do something to deserve the lectures.