Why is it so hard to find the tails on these lizards? I mean I see them when I fight them and yet I hardly get drops. I’m having flashbacks of hunting Goretusk Livers for pie in Westfall.

  • Bleeping Lobster
    2 years ago

    I’d be amazed if they hadn’t patched it by now, but there was a glitch where you could duplicate items. It involved going to a certain chasm, flying / climbing back out of it, positioning Link on the boundary between middle and lower regions, then firing an arrow with item attached using bow with double or triple shot. The arrows would cross the boundary then hang in the air, falling back to earth and you could pickup the items that were attached to them (so obv if you attach 1 diamond to a triple shot, you get 3 back).

    Like I said I’d bet dollars to doughnuts they patched it long ago. I hate grinding enough that I’d consider installing orig version with no patches to utilise this glitch!