Chinese authorities released a newly drawn map this month that claims ownership of nearly all of the South China Sea, an area larger than India, stretching from China’s shores thousands of kilometres to the territorial waters of the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam and Taiwan.

The English-language Global Times, which communicates policy of the Communist Party government, described it as a “normal exercise of sovereignty in accordance with the law.”

The Filipino secretary of defence sees it differently, calling the new map “control and occupation over the South China Sea.”

In an exclusive interview with CBC News, Gilberto Teodoro says the move “absolutely proves [China’s] intent of expanding and being more assertive.”

“If that’s not stopped, then the whole international rules-based order is in jeopardy.”

He says Chinese control over the South China Sea could imperil the freedom of movement for nations all over the world.

  • @Candelestine
    1 year ago

    They keep talking about this map of claims published a month ago, but I’ve known for at least a year that they claim a broad swath of territory that basically matches the furthest extent of the Qing Dynasty about 200ish years ago.

    I vaguely remember reading about their modern territorial claims on wikipedia, of all places. I remember clicking on the map to look at it zoomed in.

    So I don’t get how this is supposed to be new. That said, yeah, historical territorial claims are dubious at best. If we allow them all, then all sorts of people get to simultaneously own Turkey for instance.

    edit: I’m trying to decide who the biggest winner would be, if we validated all territorial claims throughout all of history, and associated each one with a modern day state.

    I’m thinking Mongolia (Mongol Empire) is the happiest. But the Brits and Spanish are really not far behind. The Dutch and Portuguese (all colonial empires) would be major world powers again as well. The Italians (Rome), of course, are doing quite well, as are the Greeks (Macedonians under Alexander). Iranians (Persia), Turks (Ottomans) and Epygptians all get a fairly similar looking empire and are happy. France (Napoleon) is quite happy, as are Germany (Hitler) and Russia (USSR at its largest, including claims). Poland and Lithuania both come roaring back with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Japan (Japanese Empire) is doing well, China (various dynasties extended their reach into SE Asia, Korea, etc) has a map larger than their 10-dash one actually and should be happy. We have to give Aztec and Mayan lands to Mexico I suppose, Peru is Inca I guess? Who gets the land Atilla the Hun conquered, I don’t know who Huns were…?

    Anyways, it’s been a fun thought experiment. lol I’m thinking either the Brits or Mongolians are happiest.

    edit2: I was wrong… If I’m validating all territorial claims, that must include those gotten through marriage.

    Austria, with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, had married into basically every royal family in Europe over the centuries. They could stake an indirect, but still valid, claim on basically every European empire. Since all those empires are also getting all their claims, the Austrians win.

    While this marriage loophole does apply to most European monarchs, thus giving each of them most of Europe due to the collosal amount of royal inbreeding, I think the Austrians had the most ties.

      • @Candelestine
        111 year ago

        Ahhh thank you. That does clear it up.

      • ditty
        51 year ago

        Holy cow that’s crazy it stretches all the way to frickin Borneo