This was the culmination of a string of wage-thefts in which the company misreported his royalties and had to be dragged into paying him his due. When the company “practically dared” Willingham to sue (“knowing it would be a long and debilitating process”) he snapped.

  • @SinningStromgald
    149 months ago

    We all know DC and Marvel are sleazy backstabbing shit stains so instead:

    If you haven’t read Fables you absolutely should. While the Telltale Games Wolf Among Us was okay nothing beats reading the mystery and it’s presentation in graphic novel form.

    Fables, Saga, Preacher, Samdman and Watchmen are the best and finest of graphic novels.

    • stopthatgirl7OP
      29 months ago

      I absolutely love Saga. I was so glad when it came back after its hiatus. Fables is also really good, and Sandman is just brilliant.