You can debate the need to arrest, but creating a ruse that ends up with the man being shot several times?

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    21 year ago

    The gymnastics are incredible. If pointing a gun isn’t self defense then there would be a lot of gun/parts manufacturers out of business as an enormous amount of arsenals would suddenly vanish when people were no longer able to justify owning most of their guns.

    Are you for real? What are you gonna Butwhatabout me next over? Keep moving the goalposts.

    • @mob
      01 year ago

      Eh, it always ends up with cliche copy/paste comments about whatabout/goalposts/mental gymnastics.

      I guess y’all know how it all went down and can condemn the guilty party without any doubt.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        21 year ago

        If everywhere you go it smells like shit, check the bottom of your own shoe first.