In the 6/15/23 This Week In Destiny, Bungie said this:
As usual, we’re making an Exotic catalyst for an older Exotic weapon in S22, and this is one that’s been heavily requested, and is likely the most complex catalyst we’ve ever made.
What exotic weapon do you think this is talking about?
My guess is Thorn; it’s old (not base game from D2, but base game in D1 and one of the original exotics we ever heard of), iconic (see previous note), and has been power crept by Osteo Striga. As for what would make a Thorn catalyst complex, well, I have no clue.
My other exotic I hope it could be referring to, but don’t really think they are, is Wish Ender. No good reasons here, other than it’s old.
What are your predictions?
When did they mention that? I must’ve missed that.
I’d love for them to add that to Monte Carlo, but part of me can’t help but worry it would just be bad. They’ve added similar functionality to Forerunner with its grenade, but I’d assume something similar on Monte Carlo would also be similarly underwhelming, albeit cool.
I think it was in a similar Q&A type TWAB.