Rest of the thread

I’m sure that you can hardly do worse than Trump, but still. Here’s the famous associated meme :

  • @glimse
    81 year ago

    I thought this sub was for news not Twitter screenshots

    • @Hazdaz
      -151 year ago

      Apparently it’s for misinformation campaigns trying to turn the left against voting in the upcoming election.

      Remember folks, apathy is one of the biggest tools in the GOP’s arsenal. Pretending like a post is coming from some bleeding heart liberal to make it seem like the Democrats are JuSt As BaD as the GOP. These type of posts are here to make it seem as if both parties are the same, all so you decide to sit it out on election day. A low voter turnout only helps the fascists of the Republican Party gain more power.

      • albigu
        201 year ago

        coming from some bleeding heart liberal

        Did they just call us libs to our collective faces now?

        • themeatbridge
          41 year ago

          The conflating of the two situations. I think our immigration policies are abhorrent, and Biden is not my first pick for president, but the current policy is not anything at all like Trump’s policy.

          Any reports of the federal government’s separating migrant families come under added scrutiny after the Trump administration systematically separated more than 5,000 migrant children from their parents in 2017 and 2018 to deter families from crossing the border illegally.

          The families Wise documented were only temporarily separated while they were in CBP custody, which typically lasts only a few days because of a federal court order requiring their release within 72 hours. The Trump administration, on the other hand, separated families in CBP custody and then sent the children to shelters run by Health and Human Services with no way for parents to learn where they were.

          “The situations described within the report are completely different from previous policies of separating families," the CBP spokesperson added. "CBP is committed to family unity: our policies prioritize the safety and wellbeing of children and ensure that families are released out of CBP custody together.”

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        The OP tweets directly dispute your claim because they show there’s little material difference between the two parties. Voting for Dems means getting almost exactly the same as voting for the GOP but with crocodile tears. Looks like Dem policy is the bigger tool in the GOP arsenal.

        Also, it doesn’t matter who wins the popular vote as the electoral college will override it if they don’t like the result. Nor does it matter who is voted for in primaries because the party machinery can override it if they don’t like the result.

        It’s okay, though. It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that the US isn’t a democracy. One day your people will be free. Hopefully it doesn’t cost what Dems and the GOP made Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, Korea, the indigenous, African slaves, etc (it’s a long list), pay for their democracy and freedom.

        • 新星 [he/him/CPC bot]
          91 year ago

          African slaves, etc (it’s a long list), pay for their democracy and freedom.

          Bold of you to assume they have that now

        • @HereticalDoughnut
          -41 year ago

          voting demos means getting almost the exact same as voting for the gop…

          Yeah… no. Stop trying to force some false equivalency. One party may try to fix something and fail because the other party blockades, while the other part (gop) actively makes everything worse and then scapegoats all problems onto minorities. Not the same.

          • 新星 [he/him/CPC bot]
            111 year ago

            Why do they always get excuses for doing nothing? When the Democrats had a redacted filibuster-proof supermajority, why didn’t they do anything then?

          • @[email protected]
            101 year ago

            Okay, see we should organize to violently depose the Republican party since they are the primary obstacle in the way of creating a more fair and just society, right?

            • @[email protected]
              91 year ago

              Nah, just vote a bit harder.

              Who knows? Another hundred years and another minority might get rights.

        • @glimse
          1 year ago

          It’s okay, though. It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that the US isn’t a democracy. One day your people will be free.

          It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that it’s possible to leave a comment without sounding like an insufferable twat on a high horse. One day you will learn how…

          [Edit] just realized you’re on lemmygrad so maybe not lol

        • @Hazdaz
          01 year ago

          Good for him. If he signed-off on more air raids using real fighter jets you people would be complaining about that instead. If you think this changes anything, you are deluded.