India said on Tuesday it had expelled a Canadian diplomat with five days’ notice to leave the country, just hours after Ottawa expelled the South Asian nation’s top intelligence agent and accused it of a role in the murder of a Sikh separatist leader.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    None of which changes the fact that, if it turns out the allegations are true, India has absolutely no right to unilaterally murder Canadian citizens on Canadian soil. Period.

    I don’t care who the victim is or what they did. That is a line that cannot be crossed.

    All of this talk of the Sikh community and Khalistani separatism is a distraction. None of it actually matters. It does not and cannot justify India’s actions. At most it provides interesting background colour. But that’s all.

    • MapleEngineer
      51 year ago

      I agree completely. I just think it’s worthwhile to have the background information to understand why they are pissed off at Canada. I’ve known a LOT of Sikhs and have liked them all. They were all kind, gentle people. The people who blew up the Air India plane were extremists. The Indian government are also extremists. The Sikh separatists and the extremist Indian government are having a dick waving contest. I wish they would both fuck right off.