Falcon 9/Heavy is such a game changer for the space industry. Don’t even get me started on Starship 😍

  • @golden_retrieverOP
    1 year ago

    You seem to have fallen for misinformation. Eric Berger, an accredited journalist, wrote a book on the early days of SpaceX. It’s called “Liftoff” and I recommend you educate yourself instead of trusting random internet strangers.

    Multiple key employees of SpaceX have repeatedly proclaimed that Musk is indeed the chief engineer and has an active role in the company. I also think it’s interesting to draw parallells to other similar space startups such as Blue Origin, Armadillo Aerospace, Rocket Lab. What made SpaceX successful while they failed? It is not money because Bezos has plenty of that.

    If you want hear more about Elon and engineering I can recommend the interviews and corresponding starbase tour with “The Everyday Astronaut”. There are many hours Elon talking rocketry and explaining how it works in depth.