In 10 days, the U.S. will fall off a “child care cliff” — that’s the day pandemic-era funding for the industry runs out.

Why it matters: The funding amounted to a $24 billion Band-aid patched over an industry that’s long struggled. When the bandage comes off, the state of child care in the U.S. is likely to be even worse than it was before 2020.

  • @Telodzrum
    561 year ago

    Childcare should be government-subsidized to the point that it is free. It’s an extremely straightforward way to ensure women are able to participate in the workforce at an equitable rate and it is another way to prevent childhood poverty from causing knock-on effects for the rest of a person’s life. It is one of the simplest ways to raise all of society up.

    • Xhieron
      341 year ago

      Uh, yeah. Everybody knows that. Women can’t participate in the workforce? Childhood poverty funnels kids into the military and prisons while ensuring gun violence remains a national boogeyman? That’s kind of the point. These regressive outcomes are exactly what the American political right wants.

      • @Telodzrum
        61 year ago


        It’s really demoralizing to see such a low-cost (relatively), but high value policy cast aside so easily

    • netburnr
      -681 year ago

      I’m sorry but I don’t want to pay for someone else’s child care. You had the kid, now you pay for it.

      • @Candelestine
        521 year ago

        Nobody wants to pay for anything, but we do it because having taxes to pay for shit like an army is kinda important. Do I want to pay for the army? No. Is it important? Yes.

        If everyone only just does whatever the fuck they want, the US goes from stable and prosperous to a clown car of overweight chucklefucks who disagree with each other on half of everything. Sound familiar?

      • @SheeEttin
        421 year ago

        Okay, but I’m not going to pay for your water, sewer, or electricity either. You bought the house, you figure out how to get drinking water, safely dispose of sewage, and generate your own power.

          • @Ritsu4Life
            201 year ago

            I’m also not going to pay for your road. You bought your car, you pay for it

          • snooggums
            81 year ago

            I’m having flashbacks to preObamaCare when insurance companies could drop people for having cancer.

      • @Telodzrum
        401 year ago

        That’s an incredibly myopic view. All of society benefits from well-educated, healthy, and cared-for citizens. Which is to say nothing of the value created for the society and you individually when others are able to join the workforce, pursue an education, or indulge a creative vision because they are able to contribute to the greater whole around them. I’m going to be charitable and just assume that you have no real knowledge on the economics or policy concerns involved with the subject and aren’t just some chud who wants women shackled to the kitchen appliances and marginalized groups condemned to a cycle of poverty and imprisonment.

      • Hot Saucerman
        1 year ago

        I don’t have fuckin kids and I’m not going to, but fuck me, I’m not naive enough to think that not taking care of kids is the answer.

        An educated and involved populace is a win for everybody in a democracy. The more we make sure children have access to healthy food, healthcare, and education, the more those kids will grow up to be smart, capable, and involved members of society who are a net benefit to society.

      • FoundTheVegan
        221 year ago

        This is dangerously short sighted. Should only parents pay taxes for schools? What sort of society do you think that would produce?

      • @[email protected]
        181 year ago

        I don’t want to pay for some else’s military defense. I don’t want to pay for roads I don’t drive on. I don’t want to pay for services I don’t use. Let’s just go back to before governments existed and make the country a free-for-all!

      • diegeticscream [all]
        81 year ago

        I’m sorry but I don’t want to pay for someone else’s child care. You had the kid, now you pay for it.

        Who’s going to change your diaper in the nursing home?

      • originalucifer
        81 year ago

        we live in a social society of reproducing humans. if you dont want to live in that society, you are free to go find a different one. you absolutely benefit from other peoples children.

        yours is the attitude that drives the conservative, me-first complete-lack-of-empathy ‘political movement’.

        im not sure if you intended it, but you are part of the problem.

      • Flying Squid
        71 year ago

        Would you rather have kids just running around doing whatever the hell they want?

        51 year ago

        Fuck off with your toxic individualism. We exist as communities and as such all must shoulder some of the burdens of a limited number for the community good. Those who are more able to shoulder that burden should do so.