Tell us what you are currently reading, or what’s on your reading list!

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Project Hail Mary. It’s fun, nerdy adventure that I’m enjoying immensely. Definitely a page turner!

    Although I do wonder about the plot, specifically whether mirrors could be used to increase heat where it’s needed… (no spoilers!)

    • @Donjuanme
      21 year ago

      Reflective heat concentration is absolutely a thing, I believe I know the scene you’re talking about, and the scale is intense but I think it could be done.

      Goodness that was such a good book. I said the audio book version, and I’ve yet to find an answer on the Internet, but I have a question regarding something in the text that I might ask if you’re decently far in.

      No spoilers! Everybody should pick up this book immediately,

      I’ve heard it described as “the book Andy weir wanted to write first, but he had to write the Martian to prove to publishers that he knew how to write an engaging story” and I completely agree, if you enjoyed the Martian this is the next step, if you haven’t read the Martian I’d probably start with project hail Mary.