Got a new tv that works with my existing mount but it’s just not working like we need for this bigger tv. Could I put a new mount using the same holes. My concern is the bolts won’t have the same resistance to being pulled out. Google foo was no help on this and the Reddit link of course has been deleted. Thanks in advance!

  • @Mhinkle79OP
    11 year ago

    A French cleat has enough strength? The tv is like 65lbs and I’ll be putting it on a mount with a 40” reach so it will be hanging kinda far off the wall while in use. Otherwise it will be folded up to the wall.

    • jevans ⁂
      11 year ago

      You can make a French cleat as strong as you want. If you’re moving the TV around a lot and having it that far away from the wall, I would be worried about the French cleat camming out if you don’t make the plywood panel tall enough. You could mitigate this by clamping the cleat together with screws or actual clamps, but if I was going to be moving the TV around, I’d do a more rigid mounting system. I’d still use a plywood interface, and I’d still space it off the wall a bit to allow for cable routing, bolts for the TV mount, etc., but I would just bolt the whole thing to the wall.