• @Sanctus
    91 year ago

    I’m sorry but Grey Jedi are aberrations of Legends. A jedi who is balanced in the force is just a Jedi. You cannot balance with the dark side, it is corruption. I don’t see them making it to the big screen, and if they do I don’t see it making sense or being good.

    • Cethin
      121 year ago

      There’s also people who don’t agree with the jedi institution, but they aren’t jedi, just force users. That’s what I think the “gray jedi” theme should be. Those who recognize the flaws of the jedi institution but are light side still. The jedi are just so tied into the light side themes in Star Wars that they won’t critique it in the mainline stories.

      • @Sanctus
        61 year ago

        Its just one of those things thats not gonna translate well with a 2 hour movie. Like in the videogames, being grey works because the sark/light side indicator is a slider and YOU control your actions. In the supposed lore of the movies, the dark side is like an addiction and even using it once can send a jedi spiraling. So it just doesn’t translate well. Its cool in the games to shoot lightning and then turn around and heal someone. In the movies, it just doesn’t mash well with what is established.

        • Cethin
          31 year ago

          I mean things like Ray burning the books from the jedi order should be where things shoot for the not jedi but not evil characters (except actually following through with it). Characters who are still good, they just don’t follow the jedi order, which is not the ruling body of the light side, just the body that has the most control within light side force user groups.

          • @Sanctus
            31 year ago

            I guess what I’m trying to say is its more akin to being a monk. What we see in the prequels is already a corruption of the Order because they decided to be Star Command. To be balanced truly in the force is not to become a Jedi. Though, that may be what the Jedi aspire to do.

            We have plenty of force users that are not/are no longer evil in the Clone Wars and Rebels series. That has been done in canon and handled quite well. With that in mind I can say what we saw in the sequels was pretty crass story-telling. I kind of wish they would have taken way more time to plan them out.